Kindness and Testosterone

Can we agree that the world could use a little more kindness?

It’s a common misinterpretation that men with more testosterone are aggressive, and maybe even mean or rude.

I’m suggesting it’s actually the opposite, and that men with low testosterone levels are less likely to exhibit kindness.

When I say more testosterone, I’m not talking about men who are taking abusive levels of exogenous hormones. I’m just talking about someone with levels on the higher end of the natural spectrum.

Studies show that lower testosterone levels, especially when compared to higher cortisol levels, make men depressed, angry, hostile, and irritable (study below πŸ‘‡). That doesn’t sound like my kind of guy.

Higher testosterone levels make men happier and calmer. Society could use kinder men. Get to the gym, eat nutrient dense, whole foods, and get more sleep. You’ll be happier. Partially due to higher testosterone levels. πŸ’ͺ