Get Sun Safely

Summer is winding down here in Minnesota, but the sun is still strong! 🌞Remember to wear sunscreen, really at all times of the year. I always forget. My Native American ancestors help me out a little, but for all skin types and colors, the sun will damage your skin to some degree.On the flip side,…

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Mouth Taping

Tape your mouth shut.By adding this final step to your nighttime routine, you can unlock the health benefits of nasal breathing.Breathing through your nose has a special property that mouth breathing cannot give you,That is Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide is produced in the nose and sinuses when you breathe in through your nose. This gas…

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Think Twice About Eye Drops

The eye drops you use to combat computer vision syndrome may be making your dry eyes dryer!Many popular brands of eye drops have ingredients that can worsen your dry eyes over time.Visine’s active ingredient, Tetrahydrozoline, constricts the eye’s superficial blood vessels.Your eyes may look less red in the short term, but over time, your eyes…

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No Shoes Inside

If you work from home, or simply are a human, please don’t wear shoes in your house!Besides the hygienic factor, being barefoot is good for your health!I have noticed benefits to my posture and balance (*study below 👇) by being barefoot around the house, or when I exercise at home.I was going to point out…

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