Life has a way ofthrowing curveballs

Mine came in the form of a 450-pound tractor tire.

Years ago, I faced an excruciating setback after attempting to lift a mammoth tractor tire – two herniated discs and a long list of spinal complications.

The injury took its toll on my body and mind, but through a combination of mindset shifts, research, and sheer determination, I’ve transformed my life.

And, as a result, I found my life’s purpose: helping others transform theirs.

This decade-long journey of recovery saw me experimenting with multiple remedies – from diet and exercise to alternative therapies.

But the magic lay in the small, daily habit changes. It’s these subtle shifts that propelled me from pain to strength, and from despair to joy.


2020 threw meanother challenge

The pandemic halted my family’s business and pushed me to pivot. I dove into tech, and as I understood the digital world better, I recognized a recurring theme.

Professionals, constantly glued to their screens, were experiencing health issues I had solutions to.

If you’re trying to transform your brain & body without spending countless hours in the gym or parting with the foods you love, you’re in the right place. 


Join us, andpay health forward

Say goodbye to the endless cycle of starting and stopping your fitness journey, and say hello to a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.

We offer the 60 Second Workouts™ app and a free newsletter. 

In helping others, I have found what I have been put here to do.  I want to pass on what I know to you, and I’m hoping you’ll pass it on to someone else. 

Healthier people make this world a better place.

-Michael Cassidy, CPT/DevOps Architect

We're making peoplehealthier, happier &stronger. Join us!

We are confident that our staff and facility can help you to reach your fitness goals. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, we’re here to help. After spending time in our facility and with our team we want our members to walk out of our doors after a workout and feel like they are a better version of themselves.

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